Showing posts with label RA london. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RA london. Show all posts

Royal Academy of Arts London Schools is Now Open

23rd June  - 3rd July

Discover the next generation of artists at the
RA Schools Show

Come and explore the historic RA Schools over the next ten days as we display the latest work by graduating artists at the culmination of their three-year course.

While the training of artists has been at the heart of the RA's mission from the outset, over the course of nearly 250 years, the tools, techniques and ideas required have changed just as much as art itself. Today the RA Schools is cutting-edge and contemporary, encouraging individuality and experimentation through diverse media from painting and sculpture to video, installation and performance.

The Friends have been supporting the Schools for almost 40 years and with theSummer Exhibition in full swing in our Main Galleries, it's the perfect time to explore the studios and discover the next generation of artists. Find out more.
The RA Schools show is open until 3 July 2016

Join in with the hashtag #RASchools on Twitter and Instagram

Below are some of the RA Schools Show 2016: Installation Views 

Installation view of work by Tom Worsfold at the Royal Academy Schools Show 2016

Installation view of work by Robin Seir at the Royal Academy Schools Show 2016
Installation view of work by Jack Killick at the Royal Academy Schools Show 2016