Obtain visible targeted results straight away with PAYOT.
The PAYOT biotechnology transforms natural elements into ingredients that work at a cellular level, essential in restructuring the skin.
PAYOT has many face ranges to ensure you get the right product for your individual skin concern. This range is a world first to include semi-precious gemstone extract in their balms Click here to make a booking at Glow Salon

All PAYOT facials include PAYOTs signature 42 step facial massage. This exercise regime stimulates the face’s nerve centres and blood circulation to keep the face youthful, energetic and firm in the long term. It improves circulation, draining, toning the facial muscles and relaxing. PAYOT is the iconic brand for “physical culture for the face”, an effective and comprehensive method for exercising the facial muscles. These exercises stimulate the face’s nerve centres and blood circulation. And by removing dead cells from the epidermis, they restore the skin’s fresh, velvety softness. This exercise routine, combined with specific creams developed by PAYOT Laboratories, genuinely helps prevent wrinkles and skin problems. It keeps the face youthful looking, energetic and firm for the long term. Current breakthroughs by the PAYOT Laboratories have led to the creation of top quality cosmetic products integrating leading-edge technologies. These ethical laboratories ensure that PAYOT is not tested on animals.
